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The History of Cancer

Although the ancient Greeks first used the term cancer for this disease, it appears that cancer has been detected at an even earlier periods.

They have found evidence for a type of bone cancer, osteosarcoma, a bone head and neck on mummies in ancient Egypt. They even found a description of this disease on papyrus calculated to be written in 1600 BC.

 The texts of Hippocrates fist gave the name cancer to this disease . The reasoning was based on the consideration of Hippocrates 460-370 eg for the four juices (blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile).Normally these juices are in equilibrium, but when accumulated too much black bile in particular parts of the body, cancer generated.This theory was supported for many centuries until about 1300 AD The theory of juice came in Roman times, where the adopted and popularized the famous physician Galen.

 During the 15th century, they began to use more scientific methods to the study of diseases. In 1628 it began the process of autopsy used which revealed many details about the human body and the blood circulation through the heart and other organs. In 1761 the first Morgagni used necropsy to tie pathological findings with the disease suffering patient. This process laid the foundation for the scientific study of cancer and the development of the science of oncology.

 Around the same time the Scot John Hunter (1728-1793) suggested that some types of cancer can be removed surgically, those who have "invaded" in a tissue. But only a century later developed method of anesthesia allow growth surgery methods. At that time the prevailing theory lymph (fluid that circulates in the body through the lymphatic system) on the etiology of cancer, which advocated the continued development of cancer is a result of the change in density and composition of lymph.

 In the 19th century was born scientific oncology through more systematic use of the microscope and the emergence of the science of cellular pathology by Rudolf Virchow. This method has allowed the study of human tissue removed by surgery, and thus the possibility given for clear diagnosis. Thus, it began to argue that the cancer comprises cells but not normal yet. The Virchow nevertheless stated that all cells even cancer from other cells and a counter theory of chronic irritation and transfer of cancer as a liquid into the body.

 From the late 19th to early 20th century, they believed in the theory that cancer is caused by an injury. Many scientists believe that cancer is caused by the deterioration of some injury. soon abandoned this theory, after failed attempts to cause cancer in laboratory animals with injury.

 In 1911 Peyton Rous at the Rockefeller Institute in New York for the first time described the sarcoma in chickens. Later he became known as a virus named, Rous sarcoma. For this work he took the Nobel Prize in 1968. In 1915 at the University of Tokyo laboratory first isolated cancer in laboratory animals and in particular the skin of mice.

 More recently, the cone theory is that initially a mutation occurs in a single cell, which multiplies and gives a "clone" of identical cells that form the tumor mass. It is a theory supported by much of the scientists engaged in cancer research.

 All these centuries the belief that cancer is an incurable disease followed the various theories and this was strengthened so much the phenomenon of "karkinofovias" that prevails in the public mind. Now science has demystified many of these concepts and has been able to form a more clear picture of both the nature of the disease and for its causes.  

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