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The 5 White Poisons

Refined Table Salt, Refined Sugar, Refined Flour, Refined Rice and Pasteurized Cow Milk these 5 white ingredients exist in our diet and are called "poisons" because they have little nutritional value and can be harmful to our health.

If you consume these 5 products every day, you will increase the risk of hypertension, diabetes and other common diseases.Did you know that people who eat white rice 5 times a week, have up to 17% increased risk of getting diabetes? This is just one example of how harmful these products can be. You need to know better,before you eat them every day.

                                                          Refined Table Salt

The Salt we all use is basically sodium chloride.This Product increases the risk of Cardiavascular problems. Refined salt has its share of harmful side effects to those who consume it regularly too. While table salt has Iodine, which is necessary for your good health ( improve thyroid function), the many processed or junk foods that contain salt do not have added iodine.
Fluoride is another additive included in the salt refining process that can be bad for you consume too much.If you consume too much salt,you can end up with high blood pressure problems ex. Hypertension etc.

                                                               Refined Rice

 The white rice can significantly increase the glucose levels in your blood stream, which is a risk for diabetes.The white rice processing includes a refining process which removes the outer layer and germ and basically what remains is the endosperm, which consists mainly of starch ( a carbonhydrate which is degradated to monosacharide and oligosacharide in our body).

                                                             Refined Flour 

The white flour is almost pure starch and it contains just a small amount of the nutrients of the original grain. Additional chemical treatments result in grain formation of a product called alloxan used in the industry for producing medical reseaarch diabetes in healthy mice.The alloxan cause diabetes by turning massive amounts of <<free radicals>> in the pancreatic cells,destroying them (b cells on pancreas produce Insulin which reduces our glucose blood levels)

                                                            Refined Sugar    

The white sugar can't be considered as food, but as a pure chemical substance, which is extracted from plant sources such as sugar can or beet. Then, its juice is extracted in a process wich completely removes all fiber-forming proteins and 90% of the healthy nutrients.

To remove the liqud, they add lime which creates an alkaline reaction that kills almost all vitamins.Then they add CO2 (carbon dioxide) to accelerate the lime process. Then this sugary liquid passes through tubes that remove all the impurities and treat it with calcium sulfate and sulfuric acid which leaves the "sugar" product almost white.

The refined sugar has no proteins, no vitamins, no enzymes or micro elements , no minerals or any nutritional value for our bodys benefit. It provides energy and nothing more.

                                                        Pasterized Cow Milk

Well, the pausterization process might help give milk a longer shelf-life, but the costs of doing so is high. The stripping process nowdays used removes valuable enzymes, vitamins A, C, B6 and B12. And at the same time, allowing for the transfer of hormones and antibiotics into the milk.The pausterization process kills off some beneficial bacteria that can be found in raw milk like Lactobacillus acidophilus and also can destroys 20% of the iodine in raw milk removing its most vital qualities.

Source :                  

The white rice can significantly increasethe glucose levels in your blood stream, which is a risk for diabetes.
The white rice processingincludes a refining process which removes the outer layer and germ. And basically what remains is the endosperm, which consists mainly of starch.
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The salt we all use is basically sodium chloride. This product increases the risk of some cardiovascular problems. Refined salt has its share of harmful side effects to those who consume it regularly too. While table salt has iodine, which is necessary for your good health, the many processed or junk foods that contain salt do not have the added iodine.
Fluoride is another additive included in the salt refining process that can be bad for you when you consume too much. If you consume too much salt, you can end up with high blood pressure problems.
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The salt we all use is basically sodium chloride. This product increases the risk of some cardiovascular problems. Refined salt has its share of harmful side effects to those who consume it regularly too. While table salt has iodine, which is necessary for your good health, the many processed or junk foods that contain salt do not have the added iodine.
Fluoride is another additive included in the salt refining process that can be bad for you when you consume too much. If you consume too much salt, you can end up with high blood pressure problems.
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The white rice can significantly increasethe glucose levels in your blood stream, which is a risk for diabetes.
The white rice processingincludes a refining process which removes the outer layer and germ. And basically what remains is the endosperm, which consists mainly of starch.
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The white rice can significantly increasethe glucose levels in your blood stream, which is a risk for diabetes.
The white rice processingincludes a refining process which removes the outer layer and germ. And basically what remains is the endosperm, which consists mainly of starch.
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The salt we all use is basically sodium chloride. This product increases the risk of some cardiovascular problems. Refined salt has its share of harmful side effects to those who consume it regularly too. While table salt has iodine, which is necessary for your good health, the many processed or junk foods that contain salt do not have the added iodine.
Fluoride is another additive included in the salt refining process that can be bad for you when you consume too much. If you consume too much salt, you can end up with high blood pressure problems.
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The salt we all use is basically sodium chloride. This product increases the risk of some cardiovascular problems. Refined salt has its share of harmful side effects to those who consume it regularly too. While table salt has iodine, which is necessary for your good health, the many processed or junk foods that contain salt do not have the added iodine.
Fluoride is another additive included in the salt refining process that can be bad for you when you consume too much. If you consume too much salt, you can end up with high blood pressure problems.
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The salt we all use is basically sodium chloride. This product increases the risk of some cardiovascular problems. Refined salt has its share of harmful side effects to those who consume it regularly too. While table salt has iodine, which is necessary for your good health, the many processed or junk foods that contain salt do not have the added iodine.
Fluoride is another additive included in the salt refining process that can be bad for you when you consume too much. If you consume too much salt, you can end up with high blood pressure problems.
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The salt we all use is basically sodium chloride. This product increases the risk of some cardiovascular problems. Refined salt has its share of harmful side effects to those who consume it regularly too. While table salt has iodine, which is necessary for your good health, the many processed or junk foods that contain salt do not have the added iodine.
Fluoride is another additive included in the salt refining process that can be bad for you when you consume too much. If you consume too much salt, you can end up with high blood pressure problems.
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The salt we all use is basically sodium chloride. This product increases the risk of some cardiovascular problems. Refined salt has its share of harmful side effects to those who consume it regularly too. While table salt has iodine, which is necessary for your good health, the many processed or junk foods that contain salt do not have the added iodine.
Fluoride is another additive included in the salt refining process that can be bad for you when you consume too much. If you consume too much salt, you can end up with high blood pressure problems.
- See more at:
The salt we all use is basically sodium chloride. This product increases the risk of some cardiovascular problems. Refined salt has its share of harmful side effects to those who consume it regularly too. While table salt has iodine, which is necessary for your good health, the many processed or junk foods that contain salt do not have the added iodine.
Fluoride is another additive included in the salt refining process that can be bad for you when you consume too much. If you consume too much salt, you can end up with high blood pressure problems.
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