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Physical treatment of Candida with Nutrition and Herbals.

The Candida albicans is a fungus that normally lives in the body without causing damage and is controlled by the good intestinal bacteria and by the immune system. If the good bacteria destroyed by antibiotics or if the person's immune system is weakened, the Candida fungus grows uncontrollably and causes symptoms.

 The result is local infections, such as oral fungal infections, skin infections and fungal infections of the vagina in women. The Candida overgrowth in the intestine, in some cases can contribute so fungi and other undesirable molecules can penetrate the intestinal wall and be absorbed into the body. This is considered that activates the immune system, resulting in fatigue, headaches, mood swings, poor memory and concentration, desire for sweets and has been linked to diseases such as fibromyalgia.

 Factors contributing to candidiasis is the frequent and long term use of antibiotics, use of contraceptives, steroids, antacids and anti-ulcer drugs, diets high in sugar and carbohydrates, pregnancy and diabetes.Symptoms include fatigue or lethargy, exhaustion, poor memory, numbness, stomach pain, joint pain or swelling, muscle pain, constipation, diarrhea, bloating and gas, prostatitis, difficulty in erection, loss of libido, endometriosis or infertility , unsteady menses, anxiety attacks and cold hands and feet. The fungus Candida connected even with cancer.

                                                TREAT CANDIDA WITH NUTRITION

People suffering from candidiasis should be followed for a period of a particular diet. Mostly must avoid sugar because the sugar contributes to fungal growth. The total carbohydrate intake per day should be limited. During the first three weeks of the diet, carbohydrate intake should be limited to less than 60 grams a day. Instead the focus should be on foods low in carbohydrates, such as meat, chicken, turkey, fish, seafood, non-starchy vegetables and nuts. As symptoms subside, total carbohydrate intake is increased gradually. They must also avoid foods containing any type of yeast, including fermented foods such as bread made with yeast, cheese, mushrooms and beer.

 Foods that should be banned for a while on this diet are:

 1. Sugar. The refined sugar is thought to contribute to the development of the Candida fungus. Foods containing refined sugar including white sugar, brown sugar, honey, malt syrup, corn syrup, maple syrup and molasses.Carefully read the labels of packaged foods because it can be hidden forms of sugar. Avoid packaged foods containing sucrose, fructose, maltose, lactose, glucose, mannitol and sorbitol. 
2. Fruit. Fruits contain natural sugars which are considered to support the growth of fungi. 
3. Yeast. Foods that contain yeast are not allowed. 
4. Vinegar. All kinds of vinegar, even the apple cider vinegar and all foods that are made with vinegar as mayonnaise, salad dressings, ketchup, mustard and pickle. 
5. Mushrooms.
 6. Peanuts and peanut butter may contain mold, so we are not allowed on this diet. 
7. Alcohol. Alcoholic beverages are believed to promote the growth of fungi. 
8. Fermented beverages such as cider and beer. 
9. Moldy cheeses like Roquefort and blue cheeses.

 HERBS AND SUPPLEMENTS FOR THE TREATMENT OF CANDIDABesides feeding the naturopathic recommend that people with Candida some specific herbs and supplements that are considered to reduce the amount of Candida fungus. The naturopathic usually recommend their patients to start with smaller amounts of herbs and supplements and to gradually increase. Otherwise it may happen an occasional aggravation of symptoms. This is because, when the Candida killed, released fragments of proteins and toxins that trigger antibody response by the immune system.Improvements in symptoms usually occur after two to four weeks.

 Let's look at the herbs and supplements that can be used to treat Candida.

 1. acidophilic. The good bacteria acidophilus is considered to control the Candida by the intestinal tract more acidic. Produces hydrogen peroxide, which kills Candida. The good bacteria also restore the microbial balance in the digestive tract. 
2. Essential oils. Enteric capsules containing oregano oil, and peppermint oil prevent the overgrowth of Candida. These oils can be toxic to the amount needed to control Candida, which is why the liquid form of these oils should never be consumed and capsules should not be opened before consumption. 
3. Garlic. Garlic capsules have been shown very effective against Candida. 
4. Caprylic acid from coconut. There are many antifungal drugs, but according to an article published in 2004 in Journal of Medicinal Food, the Candida fungus is resistant to many of these treatments. This article states that the oil of coconut found to be very effective in the treatment of the fungus in comparison with Fluconazol medicament. The coconut oil contains various acids that fight the Candida fungus. These are:· Capric acid: It is a medium-chain fatty acid (saturated fat), known for its antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral properties. It is very effective at killing Candida.· Caprylic acid: It is another medium-chain fatty acid with antibacterial and antifungal properties similar to those of capric acid.· Lauric acid: As capric acid, this antifungal agent forms a compound called Monolaurin, which kills bacteria and fungi.· Caproic acid and Myristic acid: These acids have mild antimicrobial and antifungal properties. 
5. Pau d 'arco. The pau d 'arco is an herb that grows in Brazil and Argentina. The herb is used in Brazil for antitumor activity, but also has powerful antifungal properties. 
6. Grapefruit seed extract. In 2004 the journal Acta Pharmacology concluded that the extract of grapefruit seed prevents the growth of Candida fungus without affecting the good bacteria. 
7. Black Walnut. The Black Walnut is more effective against the Candida fungus of any antifungal drug. It contains natural tannins that kill fungi and parasites. This herb should not be taken by pregnant and nursing women. 
8. Burdock Root. The Burdock is antifungals and has been used effectively against Candida fungus for several years. 
9. Goldenseal. The Goldenseal contains berberine and Hydrastine, two powerful antibacterials and antifungals ingredients which restrict the growth of Candida fungus. It also strengthens the immune system. Pregnant women should not receive it.

Source : , Marios Dimopoulos American Council of Applied Clinical Nutrition and American Association of Drugless Practitioners


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