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Hair Loss Prevention and the role of Vitamins

Does our diet affects the hair of our head? The answer is "YES" from many researchers involved in this issue. Vitamins A -B -C -D and E has been proven that strengthen our hair and prevent their loss while lack of these vitamins, can be the cause of hair loss. Herbs and food containing vitamins A -B -C -D and E reduce stress and improve circulation, which are known as the main reasons of hair loss.

 Vitamin A is involved in the development and maintenance of the hair as well as regulates the synthesis of retinoic acid in the hair follicle. It can be found in abundance in fish, fish eggs and mainly in the liver oil (cod liver oil). Also in butter, milk and the liver of different animal. Many vegetables and fruits contain different ingredients and pigments such as carotenes, which are converted into vitamin A in the body. A very good source of vitamin A is beta-carotene or provitamin A which is in abundant in carrots.

The complex of B vitamins help hair growth, because they have the ability to assist our body to manage stress and anxiety two factors that accelerate hair loss. Inositol has been shown to accelerate the growth of hair and is considered necessary, the richest foods in inositol are: citrus, nuts, legumes, bananas, yeast beer and whole wheat bread.While vitamin B12 as component of hair itself prevents its loss .Sources of vitamin B12 are : heart, viscera, kidney, liver -red meats in general , seafood ,cheese, eggs, milk and Spirulina in small quantities.

 Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron ,which is necessary for hair growth. Vitamin C is: in citrus fruits and juices , in broccoli ,in dark green leafy vegetables, in red peppers, strawberries, the kiwi, parsley, pineapple, pea and tomato.

 Vitamin D in a study published in 2009 states that it reduces hair loss by stimulating the hair follicle and the cells constituting the hair shaft. Sunlight is sufficient for the formation of vitamin D and channeling of it in the body. However, for people who do not see the sun Vitamin D is: in cod liver oil, pickled herring, the cooked salmon and mackerel, the sardines and boiled eggs.

 At last Vitamin E improves blood flow to the scalp encouraging thereby increasing bristle. Vitamin E is: in  the germ of wheat, olive oil, the sunflower, in nuts, hazelnuts, peanut, in cod liver oil, cereals, in corn, soybean, almonds,and liver.


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