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Can Chamomille replace Anxiolytics ?

Many studies have been made to understand the pharmacological actions of Chamomille. They discovered the anti-inflamatory properties used to treat inflammation associated with hemorroids when topically applied and most important the anti-anxiety properties that could be used to treat stress and insomnia. The flavonoids are antiinflammatory and anti-spasmodic, stabilizing
capillaries and relaxing smooth muscles, particularly in the gastrointestinal tract.i The flavonoid apigenin (5,7,4'-trihydroxyflavone) has been reported to have antianxiety activity.

So in a study funded by the University of Pennsylvania to demonstrate the anxiolytic activity of chamomile it has been observed that compared to placebo chamomile was associated with greater reduction of generalized anxiety disorder ...The study lasted eight weeks and included fifty-seven volunteers, because of course this was the first controlled study with chamomile extract for anxiety, researchers note that they require additional studies with larger amounts of the herb in order to study the impact and usefulness of chamomile for longer periods ...

But the sedative and anxiolytic properties of Chamomille are well known from Ancient years and remain the same for centuries .The Romans used chamomile to flavor drinks and in incense, as well as a medicinal herb.In Medieval times the petals were strewn about at gatherings to create pleasant odors.

Nature gave human herbs and through herbs she gave him Health and Vitality !  So when we feel- melancholy - depression - forfeiture or generalized stress and anxiety let us don't try to find shelter in anxiolytics ... Make an infusion of chamomile and drink it one to twice a day !

Also :

Pain in the neck? ...You feel a pulling at one point in your body? Does your back hurt ? a small pot put a little oil - about two to three fingers -and two tablespoons of chamomile flowers then heat -carefull do not let it burn or boil- then with the help of a strainer strain it ...with a spoon squeeze very well chamomile in the strainer to get out all the oil ...spread the oil at the point that hurts you ... Wear something warm and go to sleep in the morning you will see the difference !!!

Source :


  1. That was very helpful for me!!! I had really severe back pains and chamomille oil has helped me very much!!! Thank you a lot! Keep up the good work Nikos!!!


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