Sixteen (16) substantial benefits of aloe juice
1. Enhances the oxygenation of our blood. Therefore relieves inflammation and soothens the pain of arthritis.
3. Alkalizes our body making the disease unable to survive in this powerful environment.
4. The juice of aloe contains many antioxidants, which reduce free radicals, thus slowing the effects of aging and cell damage.
5. It helps lose weight by removing toxins from the body and strengthening the immune system.
6. Studies have shown that Aloe Vera juice lowers LDL cholesterol, increases HDL cholesterol and decreases triglycerides.
7. Cure digestive disorders.
8. It reduces high blood pressure.
9. It is rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, and B. It is also filled with minerals and trace elements including copper, magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc, sodium and iron, as well as amino acids and enzymes.
10. Heals natural burns and radiation burns.
11. Stop colon cancer, heals the intestines and lubricates the digestive system.
12. The juice of aloe helps get rid of constipation, due to the high content of water and enzymes.
13. It stabilizes blood sugar and reduces triglycerides in diabetics.
14. Prevents and treats infections by fungus Candida.
15. Protects the kidneys.
16. Accelerates recovery after injuries.
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