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Herbal teas and Health benefits

Relaxing and low Calorie drinks with many benefitial properties for various diseases. Lets take a look at 16 of them and their Health Benefits. 1.    Nettle                                                                                                  Nettle is made with the leaves of stinging nettle, named for the tiny hairs on the fresh leaves which can sting the skin. Despite it’s rough exterior, nettle is one of nature’s best remedies for an assortment of ailments including anemia, high blood pressure, rheumatism, arthritis, coughs and colds, congestion, urinary tract infections, and kidney and bladder problems. 2.    Chamomile Tea Chamomile is a popular herb that’s used in teas worldwide. Chamomile soothes the stomach and relieves bloating and indigestion. Chamomile also calms the mind and helps people relax and deal better with their stresses. Some people are allergic to chamomile and should avoid taking the tea. People who find it hard to go to sleep shou
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Benefits of Aloe Vera

Sixteen (16) substantial benefits of aloe juice 1. Enhances the oxygenation of our blood . Therefore relieves inflammation and soothens the pain of arthritis. 3. Alkalizes our body making the disease unable to survive in this powerful environment. 4. The juice of aloe contains many antioxidants, which reduce free radicals, thus slowing the effects of aging and cell damage. 5. It helps lose weight by removing toxins from the body and strengthening the immune system. 6. Studies have shown that Aloe Vera juice lowers LDL cholesterol, increases HDL cholesterol and decreases triglycerides. 7. Cure digestive disorders. 8. It reduces high blood pressure. 9. It is rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, and B. It is also filled with minerals and trace elements including copper, magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc, sodium and iron, as well as amino acids and enzymes. 10. Heals natural burns and radiation burns. 11. Stop colon cancer, heals the intestines and lubricates the digestive sys

Natural Sunburn Cure

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Vegetables - Fruits as fertility "BOOSTER"

A diet rich in folic acid - Vitamin B9 - may protect men from producing abnormal sperm shows a study of scientists from the University of California, Berkeley. This vitamin, which also protects the embryos from the development of genetic abnormalities can be found in dark green leafy vegetables, fruits, legumes, orange juice, peanut, cereals , in wheat crust, kiwi, avocado, almonds and ch estnuts. As the researchers explain in the journal "Iuman Reproduction», up to 4% of the sperm producing healthy men may have the wrong number of chromosomes. This disorder is called aneuploidy and related difficulties in conceiving, miscarriages and birth of children with genetic diseases such as Down's syndrome, Turner and Klinefelter. The Berkeley researchers analyzed sperm samples from 89 healthy non-smoking volunteers, and then asked to fill out diet questionnaires, of which and got information about the intake of zinc, folate, vitamin C, vitamin E and beta carotene.   Th

The propetries of Nettle - Urtica Dioica

Hippocrates numbers Nettle or Urtica Dioica among the "panacea" plants (which can be used for all diseases) today after 2500 years no one can argue with the nettle is one of the most useful medicinal plants, which is easy to found and has no side effects. The whole plant is useful to its roots, fresh and dry. Nettle is rich in Vitamin A (more than carrot), B, K, E,  vitamin C, iron, potassium, calcium, potassium salts, histamine, formic acid, chlorophyll and many other important minerals. Its leaves contain formic acid, chlorophyll, serotonin, acetylcholine, glykokinones, and tannins. Properties of Nettle It has astringent, diuretic and tonic properties, controls bleeding, cleanses the body of toxins, increases the hemoglobin, stimulates the circulatory system and lowers the blood pressure and blood sugar levels. It stimulates the functioning of pancreas. Used internally as effusion or tincture (drops) for anemia, bleeding, diarrhea, excessive menses

Honey coffee is more effective than Steroids ?

One of the most famous "miracle drugs" of modern medicine are steroids. However, a recent double-blind randomized clinical study showed that honey coffee is superior to prednisolone substance in the treatment of post-infectious persistent cough.   A remarkable new study examined the natural alternatives to drugs found that compared to systemic steroids, the combination of honey and coffee was effective in reducing symptoms associated with post-infectious cough.   The post-infectious cough is a cough that persists after a common cold or infection of the upper respiratory tract for more than three weeks and in some cases up to several months. The conventional treatment may include any number of potent drugs, many of which have serious side effects. These include codeine and dextromethorphan (known centrally acting antitussive), antihistamines and bronchodilators.   The new study published in the journal «Primary Care Respiratory» conducted by researchers at