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Honey coffee is more effective than Steroids ?

One of the most famous "miracle drugs" of modern medicine are steroids. However, a recent double-blind randomized clinical study showed that honey coffee is superior to prednisolone substance in the treatment of post-infectious persistent cough.

 A remarkable new study examined the natural alternatives to drugs found that compared to systemic steroids, the combination of honey and coffee was effective in reducing symptoms associated with post-infectious cough.

 The post-infectious cough is a cough that persists after a common cold or infection of the upper respiratory tract for more than three weeks and in some cases up to several months. The conventional treatment may include any number of potent drugs, many of which have serious side effects. These include codeine and dextromethorphan (known centrally acting antitussive), antihistamines and bronchodilators.

 The new study published in the journal «Primary Care Respiratory» conducted by researchers at the University Hospital Baqiyatallah in Tehran from 2008 to 2011. It involved 97 patients suffering from post-infectious cough for more than three weeks and divided with double blind method 3 groups:1. For the first group (honey-coffee team) prepared a mixture which looked like jam, which consisted of 20.8 grams honey, and 2.9 grams of instant coffee.2. The second group were administered 13.3 mg prednisolone (steroid group).3. In the third group were administered 25 mg of guaifenesin (control group).The researchers described the patient treatment protocol as follows:

 "Participants were instructed to dissolve a certain amount of their product in hot water and drink the solution every 8 hours for 1 week. All participants were evaluated before treatment and 1 week after completion of therapy concerning the measurement of the severity of their cough. The primary metric related to the average frequency coughs before and after treatment of 1 week and calculated by a valid questionnaire. "

The results in detail:There were 97 adult patients (55 were men) participated in this study with an average age of 40.1 years. Mean (+/-) difference in cough frequency before and after treatment was: MK group 2.9 (0.3) before treatment and 0.2 (0.5) after treatment (<0.001) group, steroid (T) 3.0 (0.0) before treatment and 2.4 (0.6) after treatment (<0.05), control (C) 2.8 (0.4 ) before treatment and 2.7 (0.5) after treatment (> 0.05). The analysis of the variance showed a significant difference between the mean frequency of cough before and after treatment in MK group versus the group S (<0.001). Honey coffee were found to be the most effective treatment for post-infectious cough.

 On the implications of their findings, the researchers reported the following:"Every year, billions of dollars are spent on the control and treatment of cough, the actual effect of antitussive drug is not particularly simantiki.1,45 Even if postinfectious cough appears to represent only 11-25% of all cases of chronic cough and not associated with disability and mortality, may cause problems and medical costs.

 Honey and coffee are natural edible substances and are safe, pleasant, less expensive than what drugs and can be easily found. Moreover, they proved effective in the short term. "

 Given the relative safety and increased efficiency of the honey and coffee compared to prednisolone, this study adds further evidence to biomedical research demonstrating that natural substances including spices, vitamins and food are often superior in efficacy synthetic drugs and have much higher levels of security.

an article of 
Sayer Ji


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