Hippocrates numbers Nettle or Urtica Dioica among the "panacea" plants (which can be used for all diseases) today after 2500 years no one can argue with the nettle is one of the most useful medicinal plants, which is easy to found and has no side effects. The whole plant is useful to its roots, fresh and dry. Nettle is rich in Vitamin A (more than carrot), B, K, E, vitamin C, iron, potassium, calcium, potassium salts, histamine, formic acid, chlorophyll and many other important minerals. Its leaves contain formic acid, chlorophyll, serotonin, acetylcholine, glykokinones, and tannins. Properties of Nettle It has astringent, diuretic and tonic properties, controls bleeding, cleanses the body of toxins, increases the hemoglobin, stimulates the circulatory system and lowers the blood pressure and blood sugar levels. It stimulates the functioning of pancreas. Used internally as effusion or tincture (drops) for anemia, bleeding, diarrhea, excessive menses...
Asclepius is the god of medicine and father of Health. Here we upload fun facts and tips for boosting your well-being and happiness :-)