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Showing posts from August, 2016

Vegetables - Fruits as fertility "BOOSTER"

A diet rich in folic acid - Vitamin B9 - may protect men from producing abnormal sperm shows a study of scientists from the University of California, Berkeley. This vitamin, which also protects the embryos from the development of genetic abnormalities can be found in dark green leafy vegetables, fruits, legumes, orange juice, peanut, cereals , in wheat crust, kiwi, avocado, almonds and ch estnuts. As the researchers explain in the journal "Iuman Reproduction», up to 4% of the sperm producing healthy men may have the wrong number of chromosomes. This disorder is called aneuploidy and related difficulties in conceiving, miscarriages and birth of children with genetic diseases such as Down's syndrome, Turner and Klinefelter. The Berkeley researchers analyzed sperm samples from 89 healthy non-smoking volunteers, and then asked to fill out diet questionnaires, of which and got information about the intake of zinc, folate, vitamin C, vitamin E and beta carotene.   Th